I enjoyed my first scrap weekend at the 14th annual Bluebonnet Retreat in College Station, Texas. My cousin, Kim, invited me to join her and her daughter, Lindsey, and we had bunches of fun! There was A LOT of laughing and I even got a few projects completed (or at least done enough to bring home and embellish). It was a scrapbooking retreat, and since I don't scrapbook (yet, anyway :)), I brought some projects that needed finishing, minis I wanted to start, and Christmas in July challenge supplies.
Here's my mess (between projects). I have never had so much space to work on! Even though it was smaller than most of the ladies were used to, it was so much bigger than my space at home. I had just finished that Cosmo Cricket Tea for Two mini right there in the middle.
Here are some of the projects I got finished...
Before I left the house I made a hospitality gift for Kim to thank her for not only inviting me but hosting me as well.
This picture is actually upside-down but my bow would not tie right! |
I got the Christmas in July projects finished up to embellishing.
A few minis start to finish.
Cosmo Cricket mini seen above |
Not pictured, I fixed the Kids' Summer Adventure Mini Album spine that was giving me fits and a mini I have been working on (for YEARS) for Meg's kiddos.
I will post completed pictures of these projects as I finish embellishing them. :)
What do you take on your retreats? Must haves? Just for fun? I would love to know. I found that, though I thought I was bringing a lot, maybe too much, I didn't bring enough.
I would like to thank my awesome husband and mom for agreeing to stay with the kiddos this weekend so I could stay up until 2 a.m. mini-making. :) I love you so much.
Hope this finds you happy and healthy.