Sunday, September 29, 2013

Adventures in Running: I need this.

I knew a long time ago how running made me feel better about, well, pretty much everything. It's only recently though I realized that I NEED it. Not being able to get out and lose myself in the rhythm, it has become quite clear exactly what running does for me.

Last Saturday (9/21), I went out and ran four miles. The longest I've gone since my fall a month ago. This run was not a problem for me. It felt great and reiterated the fact that I hit my stride after 2 miles. Which I needed to be reminded of since I had routinely been trying to go just 2 to 3 miles and it was hard and I was getting so discouraged. Of course, as luck would have it, I got sick immediately following that run and wasn't able to run again until this last Wednesday. I went to Memorial Park and did two laps, not running the whole time, but put in 5.65 miles. Not too shabby. But then I came home and got uber sick again. Fever, chills, asleep at 5 in the afternoon sick. And I've stayed that way (on and off) since.

All this to say that I miss running. I'm seriously ready to get back into the groove and train and run and enjoy it. I hope that my next running post goes something like "I just ran 10 miles, no problem!" :)

Thanks for looking. Hope this finds you happy and healthy.

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